

Sunday 26 January 2014

The right to protest

Friday, November 22, 2013 - The tragedy that befell the city center of Rawalpindi on Yaum-e-Ashur corresponding to Friday the 15th of November 2013 is indeed of massive proportions. The loss of precious human lives and in retaliation the loot and arson of hundreds of shops speak volumes for the anger and frustration that the people of Pakistan are deeply steeped in.

The dastardly attack must be condemned in the harshest terms but as a nation we need to realize that if protest takes violent forms of arson, destruction of public and private property then the protestors are no better than the perpetrators of the original crime. In fact prima facie, the violent incident of 15 November does not appear to be a case of sectarian violence. It was premeditated to wreak havoc and the usual culprits of sectarian intolerance take the blame.

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