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Showing posts with label interesting articles. Show all posts

Monday 27 January 2014

South Asia and Child Marriages

There are many pressing social issues in the world’s developing countries. South Asia is also the region of developing countries. The issue which is.

There are many pressing social issues in the world’s developing countries. South Asia is also the region of developing countries. The issue which is on my pen point is ” child marriages”, but the question is what is child marriage?. The mean of child marriage is the marriage taking place before the age of 18. Roughly the ratio of gender is equal in the world 50.40 % male and 49.60 % female. The South Asian sex ratio is male 51.40 % and female 48.60 %. In South Asian region 48% (10 million) of girls married before the age of 18. The world 24% under 18 years marriages and 15 million girls under the age of 15 married every year. According to the UNFPA, if the current level of child marriages held 14.20 million girls annually or 39,000 daily will marry too young till to 2020.

India sex ratio of 877 females per 1000 males.The ratio of child marriage in India is 47% And 24% of world child marriages occurred in this 2nd number world’s populated country after the China. Bangladesh is on 8th number population vise which’s gender ratio is 105 males for every 100 females in and the ratio of child marriages is 66%. On 46th number populated country Afghanistan gender ratio is 105 males on every 100 females in but the ratio of child marriages in this very country is 39%. World 6th populated country Pakistan sex ratio according recent census is 51% male and 49 % female. In Pakistan 30% of marriages come under the category of child marriages in which 24% from rural side and 18 % from urban side. Its mean in South Asia 48% girls are married before the age of 18. Africa on 2nd number in the list of child marriages after South Asia.
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Sunday 26 January 2014

The right to protest

Friday, November 22, 2013 - The tragedy that befell the city center of Rawalpindi on Yaum-e-Ashur corresponding to Friday the 15th of November 2013 is indeed of massive proportions. The loss of precious human lives and in retaliation the loot and arson of hundreds of shops speak volumes for the anger and frustration that the people of Pakistan are deeply steeped in.

The dastardly attack must be condemned in the harshest terms but as a nation we need to realize that if protest takes violent forms of arson, destruction of public and private property then the protestors are no better than the perpetrators of the original crime. In fact prima facie, the violent incident of 15 November does not appear to be a case of sectarian violence. It was premeditated to wreak havoc and the usual culprits of sectarian intolerance take the blame.

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